Innovate or Deny

In any successful innovation ecosystem, time is an essential resource—just as critical as talent, technology, and capital. However, many leaders fall into the trap of demanding innovation without allocating the necessary time to nurture it. This denial of reality leads to overcommitted employees and stagnation rather than breakthroughs. Just like a [...]


The Word You Can’t Get Wrong in Your Organisation

A Shared Delusion According to a recent (though entirely fictitious) study, 99% of organisations lack a formalised working definition for the term "innovation." Only 0.03% of companies possess a shared definition that at least 50% of their staff comprehends and can consistently recall (this is a fact, kinda). [...]


How Might We Learn?

In the uncertain world of innovation, learning isn't just important—it's foundational, especially during the initial stages of the innovation process. However, it's critical to understand that not all learning is created equal. Learning through research and experimentation should acquire the right insights, at the right time, using the least amount of [...]


The Risk of Not Quantifying Uncertainty

The intuitive appeal of risk matrices is undeniable, often providing a false sense of security to those who use them. They offer a semblance of control by sidestepping the proper approach of quantifying uncertainty. In avoiding this, risk matrices require minimal information and understanding, thereby catering to our natural preference for [...]

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