Better Experiments for Innovators – Training Program
Learn how to make better product and business decisions with actionable data the business understands!

“Thank you for the amount of 1:1 time the facilitators were willing to spend with participants. It was great to observe another team interact with the facilitators and to enable peer-to-peer learning.”

Program Overview
Gain confidence that you’re running the right kind of tests in this five-week series of live sessions and online exercises. Refine your innovation experiment process to reduce bias, uncover actionable results, and define clear next steps.
Participants meet with their coach once a week for 90 minutes in an online, interactive session alongside their peers. Between each meetup, you’ll complete up to three hours of self-study with our online material and activities to help you develop your project, including video lectures, templates, an interactive whiteboard, and interactive games. Coaches are available for feedback between the life sessions. We encourage participants to use their real startup/innovation project.
Better Experiments for Innovators – 5 Week Program

When Does the Next Program Start?

What Do You Get?
- A prioritized list of project assumptions to de-risk via experimentation
- An experiment designed using the Learn S.I.M.P.L.E. template
- An experiment designed using the Learn S.M.A.R.T. template
- Get more product insights faster by running rapid experiments in a week
- Increase your team’s efficiency working on risky and uncertain projects
- Practice a hypothesis-driven mindset when working on your own project
- A certificate of completion for your HR records

How Is The Program Delivered?
- Interactive kickoff to introduce the topics and program experience.
- Each module contains a self paced element including learning material items such as:
- Video lectures
- Templates
- Interactive materials or games
- Other supplementary materials
- At least one year access/lifetime to all self-paced material for the selected modules including any upgrades.
- Each module contains an 1-1.5 hour interactive online session to work on real examples in a peer group with facilitators.
- Q&A support during the enrollment month period with email and video responses or in person online.
- Certificates of completion for all program attendees.
“Thank you for the amount of 1:1 time the facilitators were willing to spend with participants. It was great to observe another team interact with the facilitators and to enable peer-to-peer learning.”